
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

            Even though I don’t leave for a little less than 6 months for the World Race, it is crazy the ways that being part of this journey has already changed my heart in so many good ways.  People have been so gracious and giving with their money, their encouragement, their prayers, and their friendship since I’ve started this journey with the World Race.  It seems the least I can do to share about the ways that the Lord has been growing my heart over the last couple of months.

            My schedule can be a lot.  I’m student teaching, working, babysitting, leading Young Life, fundraising for the World Race and making time to be with friends and family.  I’m not explaining this to make myself look good, because in fact I don’t think it makes me look good at all.  I often am turned away when people try to explain to me just how busy they are, it makes it seem like they are trying to impress me (disclaimer: I do this myself sometimes.)  We’re wired for peace not productivity. 

I think that we live in a society that values productivity and puts such an emphasize on accomplishing things and “moving forward” and as a result we live in a society of REALLY over worked people.  That all being said, I don’t think an overly busy schedule is something to applaud, necessarily.  It can be, it depends on how it’s handled I think.  I might even go as far as to say that people that intentionally give themselves space in their lives are emotionally and spiritually healthier than those who don’t.  Bold claim, but then again, I’m a person that doesn’t always make much space so who am I to speak?  Thank God I’ve been making more space.

            I realize it is hard to give things up.  It is SUPER hard to make space sometimes.  Or maybe it’s more simple than we all make it out to be?  I realize that as far as paying the bills and caring for the people in our lives, often it is incredibly impractical or even impossible to let go of some of the responsibilities in our lives.  I get that.  The good thing is that there is not a single person that can’t claim joy and peace in the midst of their busy life, regardless of if they are able to make physical space in their schedule.  I think that’s where thankfulness gets to play a part.

            We get to experience God’s peace and presence even in our busy schedules, we just have to look up from ourselves.  The most rooted and present I ever feel is when I look outside of myself and am just thankful for what is around me.  When I’m alone in my apartment I have the choice to be thankful that I have a warm place to call home.  When I am teaching kiddos that won’t stop talking I have the choice to be thankful that they have something to say, and that I get to hear it.  When I am walking a doggo that I am dog-sitting I have the choice to look around and be thankful for the fresh air.  When I’m sitting for hours at the YMCA liefguarding I have the choice to be grateful for the hours of reflection.  Isn’t it so ironic that God is using such a busy season to show me how to slow down, to look around, to walk places instead of speed walk.  I love it!

            Long story short, I’m not sure how to let go of any of the obligations in my life, maybe you don’t either right now.  I love the good parts of them all too much.  Adding the World Race to my plate seemed dangerous, I already had a lot going on.  Here’s the thing though, I’ve been able to find space in the midst of a lot, to sit in the fact that God is choosing me and pursuing me everyday.  Thank God.  I forget it all too often, but I am endlessly grateful for the ways that God is using this season of busyness, in His backwards economy, to show me the value of presence and reflective space.

            My challenge to you is to let something go this week.  Something that feels like “just one more thing.”  I challenge that because from my own life I have been able to see that in the times I have been able to push aside my pride and let something go, I’ve been able to better grasp the reality that God is after my own heart.  He cares about each of our hearts individually, and we all have an inheritance of joy and peace.  God doesn’t promise us that terrible things won’t happen in our lives.  He doesn’t promise us that we won’t cry on the ground, or feel lonely, or get hurt. He doesn’t promise us that our day to day life will be easy.  What He does promise us is that in the midst of all of that, if we allow Him to handle our heart we will experience peace and we will experience joy (John 15:11).  Maybe not all at once, sometimes not for a long time, but eventually.  My prayer is for more of that in my own life and yours.

            Going along with my gratitude theme, it is impossible to properly express the gratitude for all of the friends and family that have already supported me prayerfully and financially for my upcoming missions year.  I’m overwhelmed by the ways that God has used people to love me and support me already.  God has already used His people to raise $3,256 towards my World Race!  CRAZY!!!  I still have about $14,700 to raise, but that is a small chunk of change to God, and I truly believe that if it’s of Gods will, that it will happen.  I humbly ask that you all would prayerfully consider helping me to reach my fundraising goal.  If you want to donate you can do so by clicking on the donate button at the top of this page!  Thanks again for all the support, God always uses a village!


Your friend,


2 responses to “Space and Thankfulness”

  1. Courtney! This is such a great reminder. School, work, Younglife, and everything else makes for such a busy schedule. I’m right there with you, but I love your thoughts about taking the time to slow down and see what’s around. So excited for these next couple months for you!! Praying for you ??