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My perspective is so limited compared to that of the Lord; my creativity is so elementary. How do you start to unveil Gods Kingdom to a whole community in Guatemala? I would have no clue where to start if for some reason it was up to me.

I have no idea where He started, but here is Guatemala the Lord is pursing the individuals in the police department in order to pursue an entire community. Wow. Could you imagine how the whole world would be changed if ever single person in a place of authority knew the Lord?

The head of the police department in Chichicastenango is a chaplain, and a woman. Two unlikely things in most places, let alone in Guatemala. Praise the Lord! Our host Juan loves to partner with the police and serve the community with them, it is an absolutely beautiful picture of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A true leader is a servant. Our model of human holiness; Jesus, the king of the world, continuously humbled himself. He washed the feet of his disciples. He got on the same level as the poor and the sinner, and He allowed Himself to be mocked and beaten for every single human that ever lived.

This week we got the sweetest opportunity to partner with the police and hand out bread and pray for people in the community. Juan put together baskets of bread, and in some baskets they were able to provide a Bible. We walked out into the street and asked God who He wanted us to give them to.

The physical bread will feed someone for a day, the Word of God will feed someone for a lifetime. There are no language barriers in the Kingdom of heaven. A prayer spoken over someone, even if they don’t understand every word is just as heard by God. We got to hand out bread and pray for children, elderly women, people that were out of work, and whoever else God put in front of us.

It was really really sweet. It made me stop and ask myself why I haven’t been doing this my whole life? I have the knowledge of the Truth of the world, what stops me from telling every single person I know? What stops me from praying for people I pass on the street always? The greatest thing you can give someone is Truth, you don’t need bread to hand out, why don’t we literally do this every day?

The fact that as World Racers, we get to step into this community and pray for people is a gift from God. Even more than that, the fact that there is a steady presence of law enforcement stepping into the community and bringing the Kingdom with them week in and week out is incredible.

The day concluded with a fun soccer game between our World race teams and the police. Literally how fun. We hoped in the back of the police truck and drove to the soccer field and I had another one of those stop and reflect moments.

I was riding in a Guatemalan police truck on the way to play soccer, what is this life, Lord? I love it! Contrary to the culture in Chichi, our host Juan likes to use soccer as a tool to spread the Gospel.

Some pastors in Chichi believe that playing soccer is a sin. Juan doesn’t care. He believes that God is so much bigger than a building, and you should go where the people are. If loving people and speaking Truth into their lives looks like having a bible study on a soccer field, then hallelujah. Pastors don’t have to wear suits and ties and church doesn’t have to happen in a building. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Thank you, Lord for how you are showing up in the community of Chichicastenango. Thank you for police who humble themseleves and serve for your Kingdom. Thank you for pastors that know that knowledge of Your love is so much broader than a church building or a dress code. Amen.

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