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What would our lives look like if we were intentional about infusing worship into unexpected parts of it?

Soooo in one of my last blogs, I talked about the little park that we got the opportunity to work on. What I didn’t tell you was there was also a team that started working on a BIG park. Now most of us are starting to work on this big park in Jaco where we are going to paint a GIANT mural.

When I say giant, I mean freaking giant. I’m not good at measurements but I’d estimate that the length of the wall we are painting in probably 100 yards long. That’s a whole lot of mural.

Now I wasn’t part of the original plans of the mural, but some of my SUPER talented friends actually drew mini drawings of what is going to be the big scale mural. They are awesome! The fact that they could have vision for a canvas that big blows my mind. Watching all my friends the last couple of days make that vision come to life by sketching the drawings on the wall has been amazing.

God is a Creator and the fact that He allows us to create too is such a testament to His heart for us. Watching my friends being insanely creative is so fun, but knowing that their creativity is even just a glimpse of the creativity of our God leaves me in awe.

My job for the day was drawing a line three inches from the top of the wall the whole way around it which will eventually be a red border. It took me and my friend Julianna about 3 hours to draw just the line LOL!

My favorite part of this mural making process is the Kingdom atmosphere surrounding it. Once we start painting, we’re inviting more people from the community to come along and help. I think that’s happening Tuesday.

Everyone is always invited to be a part if our process, I love that. On top of everyone being invited, our host at Oceans Edge, Hannah, (who is just the best), invited us to use worship to “take over the park” while we’re working. While we were sketching this mural in the HEART of Jaco, some of our friends were armed with guitars and their voices bringing worship right into the middle of the park. God was being sung about right in the middle of the park. I absolutely loved it.

Worship changes the atmosphere. Every time. When my friends started singing worship in the park, it invited questions, it invited joy, it invited God into the space. It was so cool to be a part of. Worship doesn’t have to be music. Worship is a posture. You can worship in the way you smile at someone. You can worship the Lord in the way you take special care to do a task correctly. Worshipping is inviting God into a space and opening up a space to issue people into freedom.

I literally can’t wait to share with you how the mural turns out when its all said and done. How can you bring worship into your spaces this week?

5 responses to “A Space for Worship”

  1. So proud of your reflections Courtney!!! One of my favorite things about you is that you don’t let the little pieces of creation pass you by. That is an encouragement to me! xoxoxoxo

  2. Love this and you!!!! So beautiful to hear about this worship/posture you have before God!!